Welcome to my website! My name is Swen Hutter, and I am interested in the changing dynamics and structuration of political conflict in contemporary democracies. In particular, I am interested in how social movements and political parties interact in articulating and mobilizing new societal divides. I have the pleasure of teaching political sociology at Freie Universität Berlin and being Director of the Center for Civil Society Research, a joint initiative of Freie Universität and the WZB Berlin Social Science Center.
On this website, you will find information on my current projects, publications, and my institutional affiliations.
Game Changers: National Referendums and the Politicization of Europe
Article in
Politics and Governance
Varieties of Trade Union Protest
with Gesine Hoeltmann and Endre Borbáth in Socio-Economic Review
Empathy During Crises: Investigating Attitudes, Tolerance and Ingroup-Outgroup Dynamics in Response to Refugee Movements
Article with Ronja Demel, Lena Masch, David Schieferdecker, Hanna Schwander and Jule Specht in
Journal of Personality
The Big Five Personality Traits and Social Support During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Supporters, the Supported, and the Overlooked
Article with Luise Kratt, Gesine Hoeltmann and Jule Specht in
Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology
Forthcoming: Europe's Changing Protest Landscape
Guest Editorship with Sophia Hunger
Special Issue of the Journal of European Public Policy